God Does Not Waste Anything! Romans 8:28

Written by Dr. DeShonda Bailey, JD, ThM
October 6, 2020

Romans 8:28 tells us, All things work together for the good of those who Love God & who are Called According to His Purpose. This lets us know that whatever we go through in this life, God is using it for our good. Whatever we have to suffer and endure in this life, God is using it for our good. In this season that we are all living in and living through by the Grace of God, He is using it all for our Good. There’s not a tear that God does not see; and not a disappointment, discouragement or heartbreak that God is not aware of. Isn’t it such a beautiful thing to know that God is not only mindful of us, but He is always Actively seeking to do us good. What the devil meant to harm us, God is orchestrating and reworking it for our benefit. We often do not see this or even think about it when we are going through it. Sometimes we have to be reminded or we must put ourselves in remembrance of the Truth that God is With Us and For Us. He is on our side. In fact, Isaiah 54:17 tells us that “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” So, from these two scriptures, we know that no weapon formed by Satan against us for our destruction shall prosper against us. Rather, God will orchestrate that thing so that it works for our good. In the Book of Numbers Chapters 22-24, a wicked Prophet named Balaam was sent to go pronounce a curse on the Children of Israel. However, God intervened and when Balaam opened his mouth to curse God’s people, his words were words of blessing

I’m reminded of 1 Kings 19, where we see a man of God, the Prophet Elijah who was at a crucial point in his life and ministry. He found himself in the crosshairs of the wicked Jezebel (the wife of king Ahab) who threatened to kill Elijah. So, in fear the Prophet ran, first sitting under a Juniper tree in the wilderness, then praying that he would die, and ultimately he found himself in a cave on Mount Horeb. Here was a man of God, who Truly Loved the Lord and was Called According to God’s Purpose who was afraid for his life, and Exasperated by his enemies who was ready to not only give up and throw in the towel, but to die. The prophet was at a low place, perhaps experiencing depression. Elijah had to be reminded by God that God was indeed with Him and For Him. God was on Elijah’s side and He was not about to waste anything that Elijah had gone through. God had a plan…He instructed the Man of God to anoint 3 different men: Hazael as king over Syria, Jehu as king over Israel, and Elisha and the prophet in his place. God would use all three of these men to kill the enemy. Those whom Hazael did not kill, Jesus would kill, and those whom Jesus did not kill, Elisha would kill. Beloved, you may become fearful at times, you may doubt your effectiveness, you may want to run, hide and throw in the towel. But know this, God does not waste anything. Lean into Him and leave room for God to have the last say. The word of God shows us that if we would just press and persist in trusting in the Lord, even during our darkest days, God will intervene in our circumstances and turn them around for our good. He wastes nothing; it’s all working for you.

If you are experiencing depression, overwhelming sadness, and/or thoughts of suicide, you are not alone. There are people who are standing by to help you. Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline now (1-800-273-8255). It’s Free 24/7 and it is Confidential.

Dr. DeShonda Bailey is the Lead Pastor of New Hope Christian Worship Center located at 600 SW 27th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 (In the Fellowship Hall).

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