Understanding the Importance of Holy Week

Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Resurrection Sunday (what the world calls Easter) at which time Christians celebrate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem as Savior and King. The people who were present at His triumphal entry called on Him to save them recognizing Him as king, but not in the sense that He truly was. – Want to know more? Come join us in service on Palm Sunday at 9:00 am.

Good Friday is a time for reflection of the suffering and death of Christ, who as the sacrificial lamb, became our Sin Offering, thus redeeming us from the power, guilt, and penalty of sin. This is why that Friday was “Good” Friday despite the suffering that our Lord and Savior endured. – Want to know more? Come join us in service on Good Friday at 7:00 pm.

Resurrection Sunday is a time of great celebration because, we who are Christians, remember and acknowledge that though He suffered and though He died on the cross, Jesus Christ Lives. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life and him who believes in Him, though he dies physically, yet shall he live. – Want to know more? Come join us in service on Resurrection Sunday at 9:00 am.

We will also be in Holy Consecration for 7 days from Sunday, April 7, 2019, through Saturday, April 13, 2019, which is the week leading up to Holy Week (the week between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday). There will be a daily prayer conference call at 6:30 am Monday through Friday (April 8-April 12, 2019), and on Saturday, April 13, 2019, we will culminate our week of Holy Consecration with a 1 hour Prayer Service at the church at 9:00 am. You are welcome to meet us in any or all of these Services.

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